How switchboard works

We connect believers with ministry needs across the world, so that those who want to help and those who need help know each other.

Kingdom Consultants

A Kingdom Consultant or KC is any believer who is willing to be available to share their skills, talents and experience with the body of Christ.

Great Commission Organizations

A Great Commission Organization (GCO) is any organization or individual who is doing Great Commission work.

The Smartest Editor - Gradient X Webflow Template


What you need or how you can help.

Fast Navigation - Gradient X Webflow Template


Believers across the world

Remote - Gradient X Webflow Template


The mission forward together.

Switchboard is Moving the Mission Forward

What if every believer found a role in God's global story?

Growth - Gradient X Webflow Template
Mission Sustainability

Empowering Great Commission Organizations (GCOs) with tools and resources to move the mission forward.

Remote - Gradient X Webflow Template
Mobilizing the 99%

Enabling believers to find meaningful impact in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Teamwork - Gradient X Webflow Template
Personal Connection

Connecting individual believers around the world together to live out their roles in the God's global story.

How the process works

We're connecting everyday believer with ministry needs across the globe.

It's all about the connection so that those with needs and those who can help know each other.

The process is simple but the impact is profound

Get started

A KC creates a profile

You'll share your expertise and info, select topics you feel comfortable serving in, and choosing how you want to serve by selecting a one hour conversation or ongoing virtual role.

A GCO requests a connection or creates a virtual role

A GCO browses the catalog and chooses a topic he/she wants help with. They will either create a one off connection request or an ongoing virtual role. The request will be sent to multiple KCs who have made their expertise available on the requested topics.

The connection request is accepted

When a KC receives a request, they can decide if it's a good match and either accept or decline.

Whoever accepts first will be connected and the request will no longer be available to other KCs who received it.

KC & GCO Introduction

Both the KC and GCO are sent an email so they can coordinate how they want to have the conversation.

Connect for a conversation

The KC and GCO have a one-hour conversation focused on the topic requested by the GCO and they move the mission forward together. If it's a virtual role, you have the ability to continue working with the GCO on a deeper, more impactful level.

Continue making an impact

After the conversation, the KC and GCO receive a survey to provide feedback to help Switchboard continue hosting impactful conversations.

A GCO can then make additional connection requests and KCs can continue bringing their best to the Great Commission.

There are millions of believers who want to do more but don't know how. They have talents to give but don't know where to look or who to ask.

At the same time there are thousands of Great Commission Organizations and individuals (GCO) who are actively laboring in mission work globally, who feel they don't have enough help to do what God's called them to.

This leaves one group feeling like their faith and vocation are disconnected and another feeling overwhelmed and isolated.

One groups feels underutilized wondering how to steward their talents and another stuck in scarcity and tempted to bear the burden alone.

But God has gifted his church with talents and skills for a reason. And he can provide what is necessary for the mission he calls his people to. What if we could mobilize the 99% of the church to serve and support the 1% serving full-time?

As believers make Great Commission connections they discover purpose, hope, friendship and impact. They move from isolated and unengaged to serving in the mission together.


Discover how to make a Great Commission impact with Switchboard.

What happens if a matched Kingdom Consultant is not suitable for my needs?

First, let us know at your earliest convenience. The easiest way to do so is to send a message to Our concierge is copied on all of the connections we make via email, so you should always be one click away from our concierge.

Does Global Switchboard offer features for team collaboration?

Currently, we do not have any features for team collaboration. However, we are still discovering great ways to help Great Commission teams work together in and through Switchboard. Message if you have specific requests or ideas about team collaboration through Switchboard.

Can a conversation become a project?

Many times a simple conversation or task reveals a broader issue that requires more time.

Sometimes the KC from the initial conversation is able to work on the resulting project. But other times, they may not have the time or expertise needed. 

But don't worry. All you need to do is make another more specific request now that you know more clearly what you need.

What if there's a communication issue?

Miscommunication happens. We get it.

If you're having difficulty with your conversation, just reach out. We're here to help.

How frequently does Global Switchboard update its features?

The Switchboard time works hard to improve our app each and every day. You can expect small bug features and fixes every 2-3 weeks with at least one major feature dropping every month.

Does the organization or individuals make requests on Switchboard?

It can be either. When an organization is large, we find the greatest impact often comes from supporting those in the field. But the experience and skills available at Switchboard are also very applicable to those leading in organizational roles.

Can you help me identify the roles I need help with?

During the registration process, you will see questions to help  you assess what roles you may need.

If you're still not sure you can schedule a conversation with an operator who will walk you through a discovery session to explore where you can find the most help.

How often will I receive service opportunities in my email?

The volume of service opportunities you receive is entirely dependent on the number of Great Commission Organizations who are joining Switchboard and requesting conversation. On top of that, we don't see the same level of demand for every specialty we list in our catalog. As such, we cannot guarantee you any particular frequency of service opportunities.

The key here is to make yourself available for the Great Commission, invite missionaries, church planters, and ministry workers you know to join the platform. Please continue to pray that God multiplies the number of Great Commission Organizations on our platform.

Does Global Switchboard guarantee I'll find a service opportunity that matches my skill set?

We can guarantee that you will only receive opportunities to serve that match the specialties you add to your profile. However, we are always learning and trying to find ways to help translate needs into specialties. Sometimes our specialties miss the mark and we need to reword them or add new specialties to our catalog. Keep us posted by messaging our support team or making suggestions in our catalog so we can provide better matches over time.

Is there any financial compensation for providing my expertise?

On Switchboard, the expectation is for you to volunteer one hour of your time to share expertise and talk with a ministry worker in one of our Great Commission organizations. We are not a freelance site and do not support paid service providers operating through our platform. Once you've wrapped up that initial call, you are free to move on from the connection. We'll send you a short feedback form to ask how it went.

That being said, we've had several connections where both parties really connected and felt a shared sense of mission.

In those cases, those two have kept talking to one another for a few follow-up calls or even worked on a project together beyond that initial one-hour conversation. However, even in those cases, those users have maintained a volunteering relationship rather than a contractor/freelancer relationship.

How do I concisely describe Switchboard?

Switchboard is a platform for connecting believers globally, so those with needs and those who can help know each other. We match everyday believers to the mission field so that everyone can bring their best and make a Great Commission impact.

How many requests can I make per month?

You can make as many requests as you want per month. Bring the needs and we will bring the Kingdom Consultants!

How does Global Switchboard handle user suggestions for improvements?

Switchboard depends heavily on user feedback. If you want to provide feedback simply message our Product Manager at to share your feedback on existing features or things you'd like to see added to Switchboard in the future.

Can we browse the catalog without creating a profile?

Yes! You can check out the catalog on our website to learn more about the kinds of connections you can create on the platform.

What if I need more than an hour?

The conversation is just the beginning. Many requests can be solved within the hour. Others, not so much.

If there is more work to be done, finish the conversation by identifying the next steps.

At the end of the conversation, the GCO and the KC may mutually decide to continue the connection with a follow-up or a project if more help is needed, but this should not be an expectation.

How long does it usually take to get matched with a Kingdom Consultant?

At present, it currently takes an average of 45min to get connected to a Kingdom Consultant after creating your initial one-hour consultation request. For virtual roles it can take longer to find the right fit for your role.

I work in a “Restricted Access” country and have security concerns. How does Switchboard handle this?

If your organization works in a high risk or sensitive context. Please consult your organization’s cybersecurity department about using online services and communicating with other users on Switchboard.

You can also review Switchboard's security recommendations for GCOs.

Is my personal information secure when I create a profile?

All user information is stored in encrypted databases & transferred using encrypted internet protocols.

Are there any geographic limitations to the services offered?

No, we do not limit our services based on geographic location. While we don't restrict our services based on geography, we are dedicated missionally to focusing on organizations that serve in more resource-scarce regions or where the gospel is needed the most. Moreover, some potential GCOs on our platform live in high-risk regions of the world. In those situations, we strongly recommend those potential users review our article on security on our platform.

Is there a mobile app, or is the service web-only?

Switchboard is currently only a web app. However, you can open our app and use it effectively from your mobile phone's web browser, such as Chrome or Safari.

Is the platform available in languages other than English?

Unfortunately, our platform is not available in languages besides English. We plan to add additional languages to our platform over time. However, our Kingdom Consultants come from all over the world, and many speak additional languages besides English. If you have a specific language need, message to find a KC who can assist.

How do I edit my KC profile?

If you've already created a Kingdom Consultant profile, click "KC Login" the main navigation.

Once you've successfully logged in, click you profile image in the top right to view your profile details. Make any necessary changes and click the "Save Profile" button at the bottom.

How does the scheduling work?

You will initially direct messages through the Switchboard, where the communication will evolve into possible emails or texts.

Once connected, you can coordinate schedules and communication methods.

Are there plans to introduce premium or subscription-based features?

The short answer is, yes! The long answer is that we aren't sure exactly what features we release will require that premium/subscription model. We are currently exploring multiple different concepts. Ultimately, we intend to create a self-sustaining platform that is funded by its own revenues rather than support by donations.

Why is my connection request no longer available?

Another Kingdom Consultant accepted that request before you did

What does that mean? When a GCO creates a request for a one-hour call, we take that request and match it to up to four Kingdom Consultants (KCs). The first KC to accept that request is connected to the GCO. Anyone who didn't respond to that request will receive a notification informing them that the request is no longer available.

Worried that you won't get a chance to serve? Fear not! As we continue to onboarding new missions efforts around the world to be a part of Switchboard, you will receive more and more opportunities for you to impact the Great Commission.

How big or small can the organization be?

We're here for organizations of all sizes. We have missionaries who serve like soloprenuers and global organizations with thousands of workers.

What is a conversation?

It's just a one-hour conversation around a specific topic. It could be done through a video conferencing tool, WhatsApp, or any number of other ways to connect.

This initial connection between the GCO and the KC is not necessarily to solve all the issues. Just make a connection first and discuss the topic or task at hand. If that task can be solved or a resolution plan layout within the hour, great.

At the end of the conversation, the GCO and the KC may mutually decide to continue the connection with a follow-up or a project if more help is needed.

Does the platform facilitate any due diligence or verification on the ministries and faith-based businesses listed?

Our Great Commission organizations that join the platform must affirm our statement of faith and Great Commission Organization Commitment form. Furthermore, these organizations often join our platform by referral, creating a relational check against bad agents. Finally, we invite all users, after every connection, to provide secure and private feedback to their conversation partner and to the Switchboard team to help us understand the connections our platform is creating. These feedback forms are great opportunities to inform us if a user is a bad agent

How does Global Switchboard ensure that all participating users align with Christian values?

All of our organizations and Kingdom Consultants affirm our statement of faith and our respective community agreement forms (one for KCs and one for GCOs) which require Christ-like character and humble collaboration through the Switchboard platform. You can also learn more about our eligibility requirements for KCs here

What if I have skills that aren't on the site?

We are constantly growing our catalog of specialties. If there's a specialty you or someone else has that you think should be added. Just reach out and let us know.

Can I customize the frequency and types of opportunities I get emailed?

At present, you cannot customize the frequency of opportunities you receive, as these are subject to demand. If you need to take a break from receiving opportunities through Switchboard, contact and we will pause all incoming requests to your profile for a desired period of time. 

Switchboard offers opportunities for one hour calls through our platform based on the specialties listed in our catalog. If you no longer want to receive certain types of one hour conversations, edit your profile and remove the no-longer-desired specialty from your profile.

What kind of customer support does Switchboard offer?

We guarantee that any support question you have will be reviewed by and responded to by a real human being. Our customer support team is small but mighty! Not only can you reach out to our customer support team from the help menu in our app or our concierge from any of your connection emails, you can also send us a message any time by emailing us at

Is there a fee for using the platform's matching service?

Switchboard is completely free for all Great Commission organizations using our platform.

Can I seek multiple consultants for different aspects of my organization?

Absolutely. Here's how we suggest you make the most out of Switchboard.

Connect with Kingdom Consultants to help your mission, your organization, or you/your family.
Our KCs are gifted in all sorts of areas, meaning that they can directly support the activities of your organization, help you run a more effective organization, or even help you and your family directly. Check out this article to learn more about how our KCs can provide three-fold empowerment to those serving the Great Commission.

Create multiple requests at a timeWe don't limit the number of requests you can create. Go ahead and create a request for some marketing help, some business coaching help, and some website design help. We can start recruiting and help you assemble a team in no time!

Can I request multiple conversations at a time?

You may request several conversations at the same time, but a better question may be, how many KCs can you juggle at a time?

We suggest starting with big things first, those priorities with the greatest impact on your day and/or organization, slowly increasing your bandwidth.

Remember, you can return to the Switchboard at any time to submit additional requests and make additional connections.

We're in it with you for the long haul.

Can I connect with more than one GCO at a time?

Yes! You may connect with more than one GCO at a time.

But take into consideration that initial conversations may lead to more ways you may help that GCO if you so choose.

Let’s start with one connection and grow from there.

Build your ministry team.

Download the Build Your Dream Team worksheet to imagine what it would look like to have your mission at full capacity.

Build your team guide

Connections Made
for Mission

Switchboard is a platform that lets believers around the world connect as they work to fulfill the Great Commission.

Switchboard customize preferences

Customize preferences

When you build your profile, you can set preferences for what kind of connections you're looking for.

And if you find yourself in a busy season, just hit pause and we won't match you to new connections.

Browse opportunities

We'll suggest matches based on your profile or request, but you get to choose your connections.

You can always browse through what opportunities are available and make a connection.

Build distributed ministry teams

Ready to take the next step and level up your ministry? Imagine having all your critical roles filled.

There are thousands of believers looking for Great Commission engagement opportunities.

Ministry security

Security matters to us.

Our platform is designed to keep your conversations secure and the ministries on the field safe.

Find your Great Commission impact.

Download the Find Your Impact guide to explore what great commission opportunities await you.

Find your impact guide