Switchboard Connections List
Switchboard Connections List
Switchboard Connections List
Switchboard Connections List
Switchboard Connections List
Switchboard Connections List
Switchboard Connections List

Become a Kingdom Consultant

You can serve the purpose of Jesus’ Great Commission without quitting your day job or leaving your home. Global mission organizations need your specific professional skills and expertise for short-term, fixed-hour challenges. They need you—the accountant, marketer, admin, trainer, IT specialist.

When you take on a Virtual Role or one-hour consult, mission teams can stay focused on their local needs. Volunteering one hour of your efficient expertise might save them ten or more hours of hit-and-miss frustration.

See who you can help

Great Commission Organizations around the world are looking for believers like you to offer their skills, talents and experience with the body of Christ.

Accounting setup help needed

Andrew is starting a business as mission abroad and wants to connect with a Kingdom Consultant who might know the best accounting setup for this kind of business.

Fundraising plan help

Fin is leading in a ministry and wanted to connect with a Kingdom Consultant to help him make a fundraising plan.

Cyber security software questions

Pete serves with a ministry working in sensitive locations and wanted to talk with a cybersecurity expert to help him make sense of some of the software solutions they were considering.

Breaking the work down

Karen is about to move overseas and begin a new role. She wants to connect with a Kingdom Consultant who can help her take all those many details and break them down into attainable tasks, get a timeline set up, and then work the system.

Looking for tax guidance

Claire is a missionary serving abroad who had some questions about my personal taxes, particularly about the foreign income tax exemption.

Web hosting questions

Jack leads a ministry in southeast Asia and is looking for help identifying good low-cost options for hosting a website and managing email communication.

IT help needed

Brent's ministry grew from having 3 computers to about 40, and was struggling with how to manage them. He reached out to a Kingdom Consultant to learn how he could tackle this challenge.

Web app next steps

Steve is considering rebuilding their current website to a new web app and wanted to talk with someone to identify options, challenges and next steps.

Seeking missionary mentorship

Rachel is working hard to combat human trafficking in Indonesia. The ministry is growing amidst many challenges. She wants to connect with a missionary who had served in the same area of the world and learn from their experience and perspective.

Actionable spreadsheet

Kim just needed help setting up a spreadsheet and making it functional to track some key ministry details

Business develop questions

Kirk works with unreached people and is looking for help with business development and school development in Africa.

Looking for business guidance

Jon is building a tech business as mission to benefit his community both financially and spiritually. He is looking to connect with someone who has experience building a tech-related small business.


Organizations innovating with Switchboard

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Great Commission Connections

The Smartest Editor - Gradient X Webflow Template


How you can help.

Fast Navigation - Gradient X Webflow Template


With GCOs who need help.

Remote - Gradient X Webflow Template


The mission forward together.

Global Impact Through Connections

Serve as little or as much as you want. Switchboard offers two ways to volunteer. Whether you choose a one-off consultation or an ongoing virtual role, your skills can be used for God's Kingdom.


  • One time virtual meeting (60-minutes)
  • Relationship starter
  • Share expert guidance and clarity
  • No long-term commitment
  • Immediate next-step plans

Virtual Roles

  • Ongoing support (2+ hours a week/month)
  • Be apart of a team
  • Share expert guidance and clarity
  • Longer term commitment
  • Deeper, impactful relationships
How the process works

We want you to find meaningful opportunities to steward your God-given talents.

Create a profile

Sign up

It all starts with just signing up. Ater registering for an account, you will receive an email that will take you to the next step.

Create your profile

Answer a couple questions about your skills, talents, experience, passions and interests. You can also decide how you want to serve, through one hour consults or ongoing virtual roles. This will help Great Commission Organizations (GCOs) connect with you. You can always come back and update your profile as needed.

A connection request or virtual role is made

A GCO browses the catalog and chooses a topic they want help with. They will either create a connection request or a virtual role. The connection request will be sent to multiple KCs who have made their expertise available on the requested topics. As a KC, you can also browse our catalog of virtual roles and apply to serve.

The connection request is accepted

When you receive a request, you can decide if it's a good match and either accept, decline or ask a clarifying question.

Whoever responds first will be connected and the request it will no longer be available to other KCs who received it.

KC & GCO Introduction

Both you and GCO are sent an email so you can coordinate how you want to have the conversation.

Connect for a conversation

You and the GCO have a one-hour conversation focused on the topic requested by the GCO and together you move the mission forward. If it's a virtual role, you have the option to continue working with the GCO on an ongoing basis.

Continue making an impact

After the conversation, you will receive a survey to provide feedback to help Switchboard continue hosting impactful conversations.

After your initial conversation, you can stay connected with the same GCO or connect with new ones. It's up to you.

As you receive more requests, you can continue bringing their best to the Great Commission.


Provide experience in short one-hour connections to help GCOs move the mission forward. Conversations are currently available in 5 categories.

Looking for a topic we don't currently have?

We will update the catalog in two primary ways:

1. Wider breadth of categories

As we hear needs from Great Commission Organizations, we will add new categories that will contain various specialties.

2. Deeper stock of specialties

As we hear from our Kingdom Consultant community, we will expand the specialties offered in each category to better represent the value they can bring to the Great Commission.

Help us grow the catalog.

If you have ideas for categories or specialties, please share them. We want to hear from you as we grow the platform.

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We will get back to you within 24-48 hours.
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Everything you need to know about connecting for conversations.

Why is my connection request no longer available?

Another Kingdom Consultant accepted that request before you did

What does that mean? When a GCO creates a request for a one-hour call, we take that request and match it to up to four Kingdom Consultants (KCs). The first KC to accept that request is connected to the GCO. Anyone who didn't respond to that request will receive a notification informing them that the request is no longer available.

Worried that you won't get a chance to serve? Fear not! As we continue to onboarding new missions efforts around the world to be a part of Switchboard, you will receive more and more opportunities for you to impact the Great Commission.

Can I seek multiple consultants for different aspects of my organization?

Absolutely. Here's how we suggest you make the most out of Switchboard.

Connect with Kingdom Consultants to help your mission, your organization, or you/your family.
Our KCs are gifted in all sorts of areas, meaning that they can directly support the activities of your organization, help you run a more effective organization, or even help you and your family directly. Check out this article to learn more about how our KCs can provide three-fold empowerment to those serving the Great Commission.

Create multiple requests at a timeWe don't limit the number of requests you can create. Go ahead and create a request for some marketing help, some business coaching help, and some website design help. We can start recruiting and help you assemble a team in no time!

What happens if a matched Kingdom Consultant is not suitable for my needs?

First, let us know at your earliest convenience. The easiest way to do so is to send a message to concierge@globalswitchboard.io. Our concierge is copied on all of the connections we make via email, so you should always be one click away from our concierge.

Is there a fee for using the platform's matching service?

Switchboard is completely free for all Great Commission organizations using our platform.

How long does it usually take to get matched with a Kingdom Consultant?

At present, it currently takes an average of 45min to get connected to a Kingdom Consultant after creating your initial one-hour consultation request. For virtual roles it can take longer to find the right fit for your role.

Can we browse the catalog without creating a profile?

Yes! You can check out the catalog on our website to learn more about the kinds of connections you can create on the platform.

I work in a “Restricted Access” country and have security concerns. How does Switchboard handle this?

If your organization works in a high risk or sensitive context. Please consult your organization’s cybersecurity department about using online services and communicating with other users on Switchboard.

You can also review Switchboard's security recommendations for GCOs.

Is my personal information secure when I create a profile?

All user information is stored in encrypted databases & transferred using encrypted internet protocols.

Can I customize the frequency and types of opportunities I get emailed?

At present, you cannot customize the frequency of opportunities you receive, as these are subject to demand. If you need to take a break from receiving opportunities through Switchboard, contact support@globalswitchboard.io and we will pause all incoming requests to your profile for a desired period of time. 

Switchboard offers opportunities for one hour calls through our platform based on the specialties listed in our catalog. If you no longer want to receive certain types of one hour conversations, edit your profile and remove the no-longer-desired specialty from your profile.

How often will I receive service opportunities in my email?

The volume of service opportunities you receive is entirely dependent on the number of Great Commission Organizations who are joining Switchboard and requesting conversation. On top of that, we don't see the same level of demand for every specialty we list in our catalog. As such, we cannot guarantee you any particular frequency of service opportunities.

The key here is to make yourself available for the Great Commission, invite missionaries, church planters, and ministry workers you know to join the platform. Please continue to pray that God multiplies the number of Great Commission Organizations on our platform.

Does Global Switchboard guarantee I'll find a service opportunity that matches my skill set?

We can guarantee that you will only receive opportunities to serve that match the specialties you add to your profile. However, we are always learning and trying to find ways to help translate needs into specialties. Sometimes our specialties miss the mark and we need to reword them or add new specialties to our catalog. Keep us posted by messaging our support team or making suggestions in our catalog so we can provide better matches over time.

Is there any financial compensation for providing my expertise?

On Switchboard, the expectation is for you to volunteer one hour of your time to share expertise and talk with a ministry worker in one of our Great Commission organizations. We are not a freelance site and do not support paid service providers operating through our platform. Once you've wrapped up that initial call, you are free to move on from the connection. We'll send you a short feedback form to ask how it went.

That being said, we've had several connections where both parties really connected and felt a shared sense of mission.

In those cases, those two have kept talking to one another for a few follow-up calls or even worked on a project together beyond that initial one-hour conversation. However, even in those cases, those users have maintained a volunteering relationship rather than a contractor/freelancer relationship.

How many requests can I make per month?

You can make as many requests as you want per month. Bring the needs and we will bring the Kingdom Consultants!

Does the organization or individuals make requests on Switchboard?

It can be either. When an organization is large, we find the greatest impact often comes from supporting those in the field. But the experience and skills available at Switchboard are also very applicable to those leading in organizational roles.

Can you help me identify the roles I need help with?

During the registration process, you will see questions to help  you assess what roles you may need.

If you're still not sure you can schedule a conversation with an operator who will walk you through a discovery session to explore where you can find the most help.

Can I connect with more than one GCO at a time?

Yes! You may connect with more than one GCO at a time.

But take into consideration that initial conversations may lead to more ways you may help that GCO if you so choose.

Let’s start with one connection and grow from there.

Can a conversation become a project?

Many times a simple conversation or task reveals a broader issue that requires more time.

Sometimes the KC from the initial conversation is able to work on the resulting project. But other times, they may not have the time or expertise needed. 

But don't worry. All you need to do is make another more specific request now that you know more clearly what you need.

How does the scheduling work?

You will initially direct messages through the Switchboard, where the communication will evolve into possible emails or texts.

Once connected, you can coordinate schedules and communication methods.

Can I request multiple conversations at a time?

You may request several conversations at the same time, but a better question may be, how many KCs can you juggle at a time?

We suggest starting with big things first, those priorities with the greatest impact on your day and/or organization, slowly increasing your bandwidth.

Remember, you can return to the Switchboard at any time to submit additional requests and make additional connections.

We're in it with you for the long haul.

What if I need more than an hour?

The conversation is just the beginning. Many requests can be solved within the hour. Others, not so much.

If there is more work to be done, finish the conversation by identifying the next steps.

At the end of the conversation, the GCO and the KC may mutually decide to continue the connection with a follow-up or a project if more help is needed, but this should not be an expectation.

What is a conversation?

It's just a one-hour conversation around a specific topic. It could be done through a video conferencing tool, WhatsApp, or any number of other ways to connect.

This initial connection between the GCO and the KC is not necessarily to solve all the issues. Just make a connection first and discuss the topic or task at hand. If that task can be solved or a resolution plan layout within the hour, great.

At the end of the conversation, the GCO and the KC may mutually decide to continue the connection with a follow-up or a project if more help is needed.